
The revolution is not the #Metaverse but the #TOKENIZATION. The media are parasitizing the fabulous 20-year adventure of the liquefaction of value with this history of Metaverse. Web3 has nothing to do with the issues of a parallel immersive world. Metaverse is a potential application of the #Blockchain protocol but it’s way too early to make money with this pipe dream. As #facebook had to advance its roadmap by 10 years because its Libra could not be released because of the lobbying of American banks, so the press thinks it’s the hype of the moment. WRONG! We are still at the beginning of the exploitation of blockchain, at the same level as the web in 1995. In 5 years, some traditional banks will be bought, saved by the winners of the DEFI (binance, coinbase .), as AOL bought Time Warner in 2000 to the general surprise. It took 35 years for the Web protocol to liquefy the information to lead to its first native application: TIKTOK, the #Web3 is in the process of liquefying the value and we will be at the peak of its exploitation around 2032, it’s only at this moment that we will move to the problem of the virtualization of the user experience.



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